Workin’ haaard for it, honey!

Kinda late, but あけおめ、ことよろ y’all! HNY2022!

I’ve got a lot of stuff cooking in the pot, which consists of:

  • Wind Waker 🗡️

  • Majora’s Mask 🛡️ ongoing audiobook

  • Feminist Forest from the fall and keeping up with its new chapters

  • Beyond the Bookcase

  • Other things in the pipeline! ( ひ・み・つ♪ )👾🎮

I’m hoping to just space it out this week and attack each thing as best I can with patience and strength.
Super thankful for all of these fun projects though and as always, please check ‘em out once they debut!



YouTube channel now up! “Moko’s Journey Home”


Set up & new beginnings!